GRIMME United Kingdom

GRIMME Group Bike Tour 2017

GRIMME Group Bike Tour 2017


From May 4 to May 6, 2017, more than 30 international colleagues will get on their bikes to cycle 500 km for a good cause.

From May, 4 to May, 6 2017 more than 30 international colleagues from different companies of the GRIMME Group will cycle 500 KM for charity. This year, colleagues from GRIMME Landmaschinenfabrik (Damme, Germany) and partners from the Sales & Service departments, located at UK, France, Scandinavia and Belgium as well as from INTERNORM and ASA-LIFT will join the tour.The three-day stage runs from our future GRIMME-location in Roeselare (Belgium) through the Netherlands towards Germany to the GRIMME headquarters in Damme (Germany).

As in the last year, the focus is to combat cancer. Donations will support cancer organizations in Denmark, Belgium and Germany. For Germany, the team is cycling for the association "Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Vechta e.V.“.

All donations will be used for a three-day leisure break for affected children with their families in the youth hostel at Meppen (Germany), in summer 2017. The stay at the hostel will be free for them. The idea is, that the parents get a break from their daily obligations and feel free to play with their children or have time to interact with other families in the same situation. Even the siblings, who have to accept many hardships in their daily live, are invited to "switch off" & relax. The families will be supplied with catering, games, small gifts and lots of like minded discussions in a comforting atmosphere.

You have Until May, 31 to donate to this brilliant cause and are extremely grateful for any donations. Please feel free to give donations into our boxes at GRIMME (Damme) or directly to the account of the „Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Vechta e.V.“, ("Help for children suffering from cancer"), donation receipts can be obtained here from 50 €).

IBAN: DE57 2806 4179 0222 9994 00

Thank you for your kind support!